Police Discovered Key Fetish Owner of the BreachForum Hacker Forum

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016
The administrator of the popular hacker forum turned out to be not only a criminal, but also a pervert.

In March, US police arrested Conor Brown Fitzpatrick, the founder and owner of the BreachForums hacker site, known under the nickname « pompompurin », for his participation in the forum.

Although Fitzpatrick’s accusation was postponed several times, once, reportedly due to a suicide attempt, court documents from July 13 shed new light on this case.

According to the latest information, Fitzpatrick was charged with conspiracy to commit fraud with access devices, fraud with access devices leading to extortion, and possession of child pornography. It is reported that Pompompurin pleaded guilty to all three counts.

While the first two points of the prosecution were obvious, the last point was surprising in some.

The court record states that Fitzpatrick’s devices contained « video that depicts minor teenagers and children under the age of 12 who are involved in sexually explicit behavior ». According to the court, more than 600 images with child pornography were also stored on Pompomurin devices.

The trial of Fitzpatrick is scheduled for November 17th. At the moment, he is not imprisoned, but is under a bail of $ 300,000 with additional restrictions, such as lack of access to the computer, lack of contacts with minors, lack of access to data leak websites and a ban on the use of VPN.

BreachForums ( Breach ) — is a cybercrime forum that has been active from 2022 to 2023 . The site acted as an alternative and successor to the RaidForums, which was closed in 2022 . Breached allowed to discuss various topics on hacking and disseminate data leaks, pornography, hacker tools and other services.

After the arrest of Pompompurin, one of the forum administrators under the nickname « Baphomet » stated that he was taking responsibility for the further activities of BreachForums , and that he has all the necessary access and authority for this. The new administrator managed to limit Pompompurin’s access to the forum’s infrastructure in order to protect its participants from possible FBI intervention.

The new administrator turned off the site, moving it to a new infrastructure that is protected from possible compromising by law enforcement agencies. However, this plan failed because Bafomet said that special services probably have access to the Pompompurin machine.

Due to fears that Pompompurin’s devices are now in the hands of law enforcement agencies and thus have access to Breached infrastructure, Bafomet decided to close Breached forever and allow community members to choose, where to move on.
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