Belarusian security forces shut down one of the largest hacker sites on the Russian Internet

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016

Belarusian law enforcement authorities closed one of the largest Internet sites where hackers discussed methods of committing cybercrimes and exchanged malware. This was reported by the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Olga Chemodanova.

The site was a major Russian-language hacker forum. There were more than 28 thousand active users, thousands of them visited the site every day. They discussed methods of hacking various computer systems, gave each other advice.

Also, users of the site uploaded trojans, keyloggers, stillers, warriors, etc. - there are dozens of names of various malicious software. With the help of these programs, hackers broke into security systems, got remote access to other people's computers, infected them with viruses, stole various information, intercepted bank card details and so on.

“This resource was identified by the anti-cybercrime units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk Region during measures aimed at ensuring the provisions of the Concept of Information Security of the Republic of Belarus,” said police deputy colonel Kirill Vyatkin, head of the high-tech crime detection department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus.

As a result, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the IC together were able to close the site. It is not just blocked for Belarusian users, but generally stopped working. Now all that remains of it is an inscription in Russian and English stating that the site is blocked, with the emblems of two departments. True, many pages of the site are still stored in the cache of search engines.

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