Hacker Burkov May Go To Prison For 80 Years

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016

US authorities accuse Russian citizen Alexei Burkov, extradited from Israel, of fraud, conspiracy, identity theft and money laundering. This was reported on the website of the department.

In the United States, he can be sentenced to 80 years. The American side suspects Burkov of managing the Cardplanet site, where it was possible to buy stolen bank card numbers, many of which belonged to US citizens. “The stolen credit card information sold on Burkov’s website led to fraudulent purchases worth more than $ 20 million,” the report said.

On another site, a Russian was offered to acquire personal data of specific people and malicious software.

A resident of St. Petersburg was arrested at the Tel Aviv airport in 2015 when he arrived there on vacation. Burkov spent all these years in custody. He calls himself a specialist in the field of information security and denies all allegations of fraud.

Burkov appeared before the federal court in Alexandria. A hearing will be held on November 15 at which the issue of the arrest of a Russian citizen will be decided.

The Russian authorities offered Israel to exchange Naama Assahar for hacker Alexei Burkov. He was arrested 4 years ago at the request of the United States. The Israeli leadership rejected this offer, citing a court decision to extradite Burkova to the United States.
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