Cyber Police Exposed A Hacker Who Hacked More Than 2 Thousand Computers Of Ukrainians.

✨ Megiddo

✨ President ✨
Staff member
May 15, 2016

This was reported by the press service of the cyber police.

It is noted that the hacker during his activity received unauthorized access to thousands of servers of victims from more than 100 countries. He used the tools he received both to sell data and to gain access to bank accounts and payment systems.

“Employees of the Sloboda Directorate of Cyber Police established a 29-year-old resident of Kharkov in this activity. Since 2018, a man has been hacking remote servers for the subsequent sale of information obtained illegally, ”the message says.

In particular, to attract customers, he placed ads on the sale of access to remote servers on specialized sites and forums. To pay for services, Russian electronic payment systems were used.

Cyber police officers conducted several searches of the addresses where the hacker lived. According to the results, computer equipment, money and external storage media were seized. During a preliminary inspection of the equipment, the cyber police discovered active sessions and a list of hacked servers with credentials for access to them.

On this fact, the pre-trial investigation continues, qualified under Part 2 of Art. 361 (Unauthorized interference with the operation of computers, automated systems, computer networks or telecommunication networks) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. An attacker faces up to 6 years in prison.

Recall that the Cyber Police of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region exposed a hacker who distributed malicious software for remote control of affected computers.
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